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2.       中原城市群大气复合污染综合防控技术集成与应用示范,2016/07/01-2019/03/30,科技部中央引导地方发展项目,项目编号:豫财科2016-149

3.       京津翼及周边地区2+26城市来源解析研究郑州市项目,2017/10/01-2019/09/30,环保部总理基金项目,项目编号:DQGG0107

4.       郑州市PM2.5O3协同控制研究,2021—2023,郑州市生态环境监测中心

5.       河南省十四五节能双控目标匡算及实施路径研究,2020/07-2021/06,能源基金会项目,项目编号:G-2006-31589


1.       Zhang, D., He, B., Yuan, M.,Yu, S., Yin, S., & Zhang, R.*(2021). Characteristics, sources and healthrisks assessment of VOCs in Zhengzhou, China during haze pollution season. Journalof Environmental Sciences, 108, 44–57.

2.       Dong, Z., Li, X., Su, F., Kong, Z., Shang, L., Li, Z., & Zhang, R.*(2024). Molecular-scale investigation on the composition, sources and secondarygeneration of organic aerosols in polluted central China. Journal of CleanerProduction, 434, 139830.

3.       Kong, Z., Dong, Z., Li, Z., Shang, L., Li, X. *, & Zhang, R.*(2024). Comparisons of carbonaceous aerosols based on hourly data between two typicalpollution events in heavily polluted zhengzhou. Atmospheric Environment,322, 120366.

4.       Su, F., Xu, Q., Yin, S., Wang, K., Liu, G., Wang, P., ... Zhang, R.*&Ying, Q.* (2023). Contributions of local emissions and regional background to summertimeozone in central China. Journal of Environmental Management, 338,117778.

5.       Shang, L., Dong, Z., Li, Z.,Wang, M., Kong, Z., Li, X.*, & Zhang, R.* (2024). Abundance and sourcesof particulate polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and aromatic acids at an urban sitein central China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 142, 155-168.

6.       Dong, Z., Li, X., Kong, Z.,Wang, L., & Zhang, R.* (2023). Comparison and implications of the carbonaceousfractions under different environments in polluted central plains in China: Insightfrom the lockdown of COVID-19 outbreak. Environmental Pollution, 330,121736.

7.       Wang, S., Fan, X., Xu, Y.,Zhang, R.*, & Ren, B. (2023). Insight into the non-linear responses of particulatesulfate to reduced SO2 concentration: A perspective from the aqueous-phase reactionsin a megacity in Northern China. Atmospheric Research, 290, 106796.

8.       Song, X., Zhang, D., Li, X.,Lu, X., Wang, M., Zhang, B., & Zhang, R.* (2023). Simultaneous observationsof peroxyacetyl nitrate and ozone in Central China during static management of COVID-19:Regional transport and thermal decomposition. Atmospheric Research, 294,106958.

9.       Dong, Z., Wang, S., Sun, J.,Shang, L., Li, Z., & Zhang, R.* (2022). Impact of COVID-19 lockdown oncarbonaceous aerosols in a polluted city: Composition characterization, source apportionment,influence factors of secondary formation. Chemosphere, 307, 136028.

10.    Yang,J., Wang, S., Zhang, R.*, & Yin, S. (2022). Elevated particle acidityenhanced the sulfate formation during the COVID-19 pandemic in Zhengzhou, China.Environmental Pollution, 296, 118716.

11.    Wang,S., Wang, L., Fan, X., Wang, N., Ma, S., & Zhang, R.* (2022). Formationpathway of secondary inorganic aerosol and its influencing factors in Northern China:Comparison between urban and rural sites. Science of the Total Environment,840, 156404.

12.    Yu,S., Wang, S., Xu, R., Zhang, D., Zhang, M., Su, F., ... Zhang, R.*& Wang,L. (2022). Measurement report: Intra-and interannual variability and source apportionmentof volatile organic compounds during 2018–2020 in Zhengzhou, central China. AtmosphericChemistry and Physics, 22(22), 14859-14878.

13.    Yu,S., Su, F., Yin, S., Wang, S., Xu, R., He, B., Fan, X., Yuan, M., & Zhang,R.* (2021). Characterization of ambient volatile organic compounds, source apportionment,and the ozone-NOx-VOC sensitivities in a heavily polluted megacityof central China: Effect of sporting events and emission reductions. AtmosphericChemistry and Physics, 21(19), 15239–15257.

14.    Su,F., Xu, Q., Wang, K., Yin, S., Wang, S., Zhang, R.*, ... & Ying, Q.*(2021). On the effectiveness of short-term intensive emission controls on ozoneand particulate matter in a heavily polluted megacity in central China. AtmosphericEnvironment, 246, 118111.

15.    Zhang,D., He, B., Yuan, M., Yu, S., Yin, S., & Zhang, R.* (2021). Characteristics,sources and health risks assessment of VOCs in Zhengzhou, China during haze pollutionseason. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 108, 44-57.

16.    Zhang,Y., Yan, Q., Wang, J., Han, S., He, R., Zhao, Q., ... & Zhang, R.* (2020).Emission characteristics and potential toxicity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonsin particulate matter from the prebaked anode industry. Science of the TotalEnvironment, 722, 137546.

17.    Wang,S., Wang, L., Li, Y., Wang, C., Wang, W., Yin, S., & Zhang, R.* (2020).Effect of ammonia on fine-particle pH in agricultural regions of China: comparisonbetween urban and rural sites. atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20(5),2719-2734.

18.    Yang,L., Wang, S., Duan, S., Yan, Q., Jiang, N., Zhang, R.*, & Li, S. (2020).Characteristics and formation mechanisms of secondary inorganic ions in PM2. 5 duringwinter in a central city of China: based on a high time resolution data. AtmosphericResearch, 233, 104696.

19.    Wang,S., Yan, Q., Zhang, R.*, Jiang, N., Yin, S., & Ye, H. (2019). Size-fractionatedparticulate elements in an inland city of China: Deposition flux in human respiratory,health risks, source apportionment, and dry deposition. Environmental pollution,247, 515-523.

20.    Wang,S.*, Lu, C., Gao, Y., Wang, K., & Zhang, R.* (2019). Life cycle assessmentof reduction of environmental impacts via industrial symbiosis in an energy-intensiveindustrial park in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 241, 118358.

21.    李子涵, 董喆, 尚璐琪, 孔梓涵, 李晓, 张瑞芹.* 郑州市PM2.5中有机酸的污染特征、来源解析及二次生成[J]. 环境科学, 2024, 45 (02): 700-708.

22.    赖梦洁, 张栋, 于世杰, 宋鑫帅, 李晓, 张瑞芹.* 郑州市冬夏季污染过程中大气VOCs污染特征、来源解析及活性分析[J]. 环境科学, 2024, 45 (02): 689-699.

23.    王申博, 王玲玲, 范相阁, 王楠, 马双良, 张瑞芹.* 河南省北部区域霾污染过程中城市和农村点位PM2.5组分差异[J]. 环境科学, 2023, 44 (01): 11-19.

24.    黄兵役, 王申博, 和兵, 薛若雨, 高更宇, 张瑞芹.* 新冠疫情管控措施对郑州市PM2.5浓度、粒径分布、组分和来源的影响[J]. 环境科学, 2022, 43 (06): 2840-2850.

25.   翟诗婷, 王申博, 张栋, 赵孝囡, 杨洁茹, 刘洋, 陈红阳, 张瑞芹.* 郑州市典型污染过程PM1中重金属浓度、来源及健康风险评估[J]. 环境科学, 2022,43 (03): 1180-1189.
