

尹沙沙, 副教授,硕士生导师





中国环境科学学会大气环境分会委员,中国环境科学学会污染源排放与管控专业委员会委员,Journal of Cleaner ProductionScience of the total environmentTransportation Research Part DEnvironmental PollutionAtmospheric Research、环境科学、环境科学学报等审稿人


2011-2015      华南理工大学环境与能源学院        环境科学与工程   博士

2013.5-2013.8   International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis   YSSP

2016-2018      郑州大学化学与分子工程学院        讲师

2018-2019      郑州大学化学学院                  直聘副教授

2019.11-至今    郑州大学生态与环境学院            副教授


1. 郑州大学化学与分子工程学院2016-2017年度"三育人"先进个人称号

2. 化学与分子工程学院2016级本科生励志导师

3. 生态与环境学院2023三育人先进个人称号

4. 河南省第二次全国污染源普查工作先进个人

5. 河南省科学技术进步奖一等奖,2023



1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金"中原地区城市大气氨变化特征及对细颗粒形成影响研究"41907187),2020-2021,项目主持

2. 国家重点研发计划项目子课题"中原城市群区域特色污染源排放特征及清单研究"2017YFC0212401),2017-2020,子课题主持

3. 国家重点研发计划项目子课题"天然源排放规律与影响因子研究"2016YFC0201505),2016-2019,任务主持

4. 河南省重大科技专项(国家超算郑州中心创新生态系统建设科技专项)基于环保大数据的河南省PM2.5O3协同模拟研究201400210700),2021-2022,任务主持

5. 河南省生态环境厅基于河南省第二次全国污染源普查助力生态环境保护技术服务项目(豫财磋商采购2019-734),2019-2020,子任务负责人

6. 中央引导地方科技发展专项资金项目中原城市群大气复合污染综合防控技术集成与应用示范, 子课题负责人

7. 郑州市PM2.5O3协同控制项目,2021-2023,子课题负责人


1. Liu, Y. L., Lu, X., Zhang, X.R., Wang, T. T., Li, Z., Wang, W. J., Kong, M.D., Chen, K.Y., Yin, S.S.*, The newest emission inventory of anthropogenic full-volatility organic in Central China. Atmospheric Research. 2024, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2024.107245.

2. Lu, X., Zhang, D., Wang, L. X., Wang, S. F., Zhang, X. R., Liu, Y. L., Chen, K. Y., Song, X. S., Yin, S. S.*, Establishment and verification of anthropogenic speciated VOCs emission inventory of Central China. Journal of Environmental Sciences., 2024, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jes.2024.01.033.

3. Zhang, X.R., Yin, S.S.*, Lu, X., et al., Establish of air pollutants and greenhouse gases emission inventory and co-benefits of their reduction of transportation sector in Central China. 2023, Journal of Environmental Sciences. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jes.2023.12.025.

4. Zhang B L, Yin S S*, Lu X, Wang S F, Xu Y F. Development of city-scale air pollutants and greenhouse gases emission inventory and mitigation strategies assessment: A case in Zhengzhou, Central China. Urban Climate, 2023, 48: 101419

5. Xuan Lu, Dandan Gao, Yali Liu, Shefang Wang, Qing Lu, Shasha Yin*, Ruiqin Zhang, Shanshan Wang, A recent high-resolution PM2.5 and VOCs speciated emission inventory from anthropogenic sources: A case study of central China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023(386), 135795

6. Shefang Wang, Shasha Yin*, Xuan Lu, Binglin Zhang, Yali Liu, An updated comprehensive anthropogenic S/IVOCs emission inventory in Central China: Spatial and Temporal characteristics, Atmospheric Research,2023(283) 106546

7. Aizhi Huang, Shasha Yin*, Minghao Yuan, Yifei Xu, Shijie Yu, Dong Zhang, Xuan Lu,Ruiqin Zhang, Characteristics, source analysis and chemical reactivity of ambient VOCs in a heavily polluted city of central China, Atmospheric Pollution Research 13 (2022) 101390

8. Wang X.D., Yin S.S.*, Zhang R.Q., Yuan M.H., Ying Q., Assessment of summertime O3 formation and the O3-NOX-VOC sensitivity in Zhengzhou, China using an observation-based model, Science of the Total Environment 813 (2022) 152449

9. Li Y.S., Yin S.S., Yu S.J., et al., Characteristics of ozone pollution and the sensitivity to precursors during early summer in central plain, China, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2021, 90:354-368.

10. Bai L., Lu X., Yin S.S.*, et al., A recent emission inventory of multiple air pollutant, PM2.5 chemical species and its spatial-temporal characteristics in Central China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 269, 122114.

11. Zhang H., Yin S.S*., Bai L., et al., Establishment and evaluation of anthropogenic black and organic carbon emissions over Central Plain, China, Atmospheric Environment, 2020, 226, 117406.

12. Wang S.B., Wang L.L., Li Y.Q., Wang C., Wang W.S., Yin S. S.,* et al., Role of ammonia on fine-particle pH in agricultural regions of China: Comparison between urban and rural sites, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2020, 20, 2719-2734

13. Li Y.D., Yin S.S.*, Yu S.J., et al., Characteristics, source apportionment and health risks of ambient VOCs during high ozone period at an urban site in central plain, China, Chemosphere, 2020, 250, 126283

14. Yu S.J., Yin S.S.*, Zhang R.Q., et al., Spatiotemporal characterization and regional contributions of O3 and NO2: An investigation of two years of monitoring data in Henan, China, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2020, 90: 29-40.

15. Han S.J., Zhao Q.Y., Zhang R.Q., Liu Y.G., Li C., Zhang Y.S., Li Y.D., Yin S.S.*, et al., Emission characteristic and environmental impact of process-based VOCs from prebaked anode manufacturing industry in Zhengzhou, China, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2020,11(1):67-77.

16. Gu X.K., Yin S.S*., Lu X., et al., Recent development of a refined multiple air pollutant emission inventory of vehicles in the Central Plains of China, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2019, 84: 80-96.

17. Wang S.B., Yin S.S*., Zhang R.Q., et al., Insight into the formation of secondary inorganic aerosol based on high-time-resolution data during haze episodes and snowfall periods in Zhengzhou, China, Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 660: 47-56.

18. 王旭东,尹沙沙*,杨健等,郑州市臭氧污染变化特征尧气象影响及输送源分析. 环境科学,2021, 42(2):92-103.

19. 李一丹, 尹沙沙*,张瑞芹, . 郑州市某城区冬季不同污染水平大气VOCs特征及源解析. 环境科学, 2020,41(8):3500-3510.

20. 杨健, 尹沙沙*,于世杰, 等.安阳市近地面臭氧污染特征及气象影响因素分析.环境科学, 2020,41(1):115-124.

21. 齐艳杰, 于世杰, 杨健, 尹沙沙*等.河南省臭氧污染特征与气象因子影响分析.环境科学. 2020,41(2):587-599.

22. 张翼翔, 尹沙沙*, 袁明浩等. 郑州市春季大气挥发性有机物污染特征及源解析. 环境科学, 2019,40(10):4372-4381.


1.郑君瑜、王水胜、黄志炯、尹沙沙. 区域高分辨率排放源清单建立的技术方法与应用,科学出版社,2014.
